A few question from a Darklands beginner

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A few question from a Darklands beginner

Postby Quuids » Thu Jul 04, 2013 4:50 am

Hey guys,

I've become obsessed with MM thanks to several of the community members here and the DF forums.

Anyways, I've watched the gameplay video several times (from the kickstarter main page)and tried to read a lot of the forum/kickstarter comments. I still have a few questions that maybe a few of you more experienced folks could help me out with. Here goes:

What type of terrain is used for this war game? (I have very limited war gaming experience)
Would it be better to bolster my army with more units or have several different armies? I ask because I really want to buy the trolls/blood maw but already have several other armies. I basically just have the starter kit and a few extras for the other armies. I am the only one in my gaming group that is buying MM right now (im sure this will change once i show them off) so i would like to have options. I really love the models so it has turned out more to be a "collect them all" rather than "badass army building". Any advice is appreciated.

Are there any resources for new players for this game? Ie- more videos or a FAQ. I know we are all still waiting on the QuickStart rules but is there any info somewhere else.

I will probably think of more questions but that is all I have now.


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Re: A few question from a Darklands beginner

Postby zedmeister » Thu Jul 04, 2013 8:52 am

Welcome! Below is part of a post I used through the kickstarter. It contains pretty much most of what we know

What we know of the game.
- Check the Gameplay video! https://vimeo.com/59008628
- Is a skirmish game
- Individual alternate unit activation, instead of a UGOIGO system – similar to Epic: Armageddon's system
- Expect to see D10s and D6s
- Game turns are called 'Hours'
- Will feature weather and time of day
- All warriors, when they are wounded, become weaker.
- Bows will be able to shoot arrows the length of the table and beyond - but their shots loose power with increased range.
- Army organisation is based around the General and Commanders (who have retinues). Each Commander is given orders before the clash and these are acted upon by the units. These orders can be changed during the battle (via messengers, standards, horns, drums, siren song, and so on) and retinues have some autonomy
- Army Standards and Army Musicians important to game play and orders
- Plastic round bases with arcs of visibility pre-marked
- Scale of the models is: 6ft human is 30mm to the eye
- QuickStarter rules would just be 10-20 models per side
- The full rules-set will follow next year
- Points values will be in Gold
- Shieldwalls will feature in the full rules
- Dark Magic will be involved. Using it will come “at a price”
- When the full rulebook comes out you'd be looking at standard games of between 25-30 models (there is mention of games between 50-100 being easily possible)
- The full game will eventually include these Kindreds in full: Albainn, Angelcynn, Atalantes, Brythoniaid, Byzantii, Érainn, Fomoraic, Khthones, Norse and the Ysians. The Vras and Infernii will feature in some form, but only as allies to the others.
Some other tit-bits:
- Models to play in a way that fits their background: Gorgon's will play in a way that emphasis snakes: sneaky, underhand, quick and deadly. Srónax, the rhino-men, are massive, very strong, slow and implacable. The Dyndraig, Dragon men, will hit very very hard and have firebreath. Melusines are fast and skilful but not very well armoured.
- Regarding allies: Angelcynn -- Brythoniaid. Brythoniaid -- Albainn. Ysians -- Vras. Norse -- Northumbres. Fomoraic have no allies. Each bloodline (Gorgon - Snakes, Krokod - Crocodiles, Líska - Basilisks and Ýdron - Hydras) in the Khthones are allied to the other.

Also, we've had some additional info:

Duguth Profiles
Blood Maw

On the next Kickstarter, expect to see the following Kindreds and Realms:
Albainn - Fortriu
Angelcynn - Mierce
Byzantii - Legio II Var
Brythoniaid - Gwynedd
Fomoraic - Baalor
Khthones - Gorgones
Norse - Skilfings
Ysians - Ker-Ys

There may be additional bits and pieces for the other Kindreds (Vras, Atalantes, Infernii) but not to the same level.

On the full rules:
Every battle you play in the full rules will be story-based. (An Epic Saga for your hero's!)

I'm sure others will add to or correct me on the details
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Re: A few question from a Darklands beginner

Postby AndyP » Thu Jul 04, 2013 11:01 am

I was going to refer you to Zed's list. Pretty much covers everything.
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Re: A few question from a Darklands beginner

Postby Quuids » Thu Jul 04, 2013 12:40 pm

I'm not sure how I previously missed all that info on here. Thank you for the help!
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Re: A few question from a Darklands beginner

Postby zedmeister » Thu Jul 04, 2013 12:55 pm

It's lost in the very poor Kickstarter comments system, so it'd be very hard to find. Also check out the other threads by Grefven and myself on planned sculptors and future mini rumours. Some more titbits in those threads...
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Re: A few question from a Darklands beginner

Postby JanSyr » Thu Jul 04, 2013 3:22 pm

I always thought that the Atalantes will become a fully fleshed out kindred/nation/city state? I´m planning to throw a lot of money at them!
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Re: A few question from a Darklands beginner

Postby Rick_Boer » Thu Jul 04, 2013 3:39 pm

Oh, the Atalantes will be a full kindred, just not in the next Kickstarter. Or it will go crazy and we might see a couple of concepts for them anyway ;)
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Re: A few question from a Darklands beginner

Postby Quuids » Tue Jul 09, 2013 1:13 am

I love the Atalantes stuff. I will definitely be picking it up eventually.

I know this decision needs to be made by me but i was wondering if you guys could give me your opinion on what to do. I need to figure out how i want to spend more money on these models. I was thinking about adding a norse starter, blood maw, and grimmin or do you think i should add more units to fill up the armies i have? Right now i have starters for angelcynn, gorganares, sronax (wish i would have ordered more of these), ysian. I also bought krull, uuthull, a bunch of gorganares, and a few more angelcynn models.

In your opinion should i fill up the 4 armies i have or dive in to norse also? I love blood maw... I am very indecisive so any opinion would help me out!

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Re: A few question from a Darklands beginner

Postby AndyP » Tue Jul 09, 2013 6:50 am

I would go for the Norse starter plus blood maw option for 2 reasons. The starter rules should be available this month and until August the only forces you will have currently to face each other is ysian and sronax. If these are ysian drunes then I think the basic starter set will be underpowered compared to the sronax. Sronax versus trolls however seems a much more balanced prospect. Secondly the trolls and I mean all the trolls look fantastic in the flesh. Otherwise just flesh out the ysian drunes to make them a stronger prospect against monstrous infantry.
Of course if you have ysian brutes coming then disregard that last bit. Still just get Norse. They are awesome :-) Mjagnir is also a damn good option.
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Re: A few question from a Darklands beginner

Postby Quuids » Sat Jul 20, 2013 4:56 am

Thanks for the advice, i bought the trolls and blood maw (among other things, i am weak!). I had a quick question, I was wondering if we were still getting D100's with our starter sets? I didn't even know this existed until i looked closer at the kickstarter page. I apologize if this question has been asked a bunch.
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Re: A few question from a Darklands beginner

Postby AndyS » Sat Jul 20, 2013 8:26 am

D100 just means 2 different coloured D10.
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Re: A few question from a Darklands beginner

Postby AndyP » Sat Jul 20, 2013 10:48 am

You will get 9 white and 1 black D10 with each starter set. The black one will be used as the tens when rolling a D100 check while a white will be used for the units. A roll of 3 on black and 7 on white would be a score of 37.
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Re: A few question from a Darklands beginner

Postby Quuids » Sat Jul 20, 2013 10:24 pm

Awesome, I kind of want to get a d100. They look awesome but I bet they don't work too great
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Re: A few question from a Darklands beginner

Postby Quuids » Sun Jul 21, 2013 9:49 pm

I have another dumb question for you guys. Are the armies for fomoraic interchangeable? What I mean is can I mix my army with both sronax and tarvax? Thanks for the help!
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Re: A few question from a Darklands beginner

Postby Rick_Boer » Sun Jul 21, 2013 9:56 pm

Yes ;)
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Re: A few question from a Darklands beginner

Postby Quuids » Sun Aug 25, 2013 1:19 pm

Hey all,

As I've said in the first post I'm new to war gaming in general. I want darklands to be my war gaming game of choice. I am having a hard time wrapping my head around the rules (not a reflection on the rules but more a reflection of being new). Would anyone be able to post a few sample armiesg
with the different point allowances? I am trying to work out what models I need more of. I have starters for a lot of the factions and haven't doubled up any units yet. I'm probably going to buy a full army for ysian, fomoraic, anglecynn and khthones (over time, haha).

Thank you guys for helping me!

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