60mm plastic bases have arrived......

For Kickstarter related discussion and chatter
Tim Fisher
Posts: 76
Joined: Fri Feb 15, 2013 2:47 pm

60mm plastic bases have arrived......

Postby Tim Fisher » Wed Mar 06, 2013 4:26 pm

...I know this might be one of the less exciting updates about the Kickstarter, but for us it's very interesting and exciting!

The 60mm bases in plastic save us a LOT of time on casting (not too mention precious, precious resin and moulds!) so it frees us up to cast more luvverly miniatures for you guys.

60mm plastic bases will be added to all future orders in stead of 60mm resins. There's a couple of large trade orders in packing at the mo, and in the morning we'll start adding them to customer orders.

This is great news for you (and us) with the monstrous infantry starter sets being so popular!

The 120m plastic bases are the next in tooling - after that 100 and finally 150mm. (in order of popularity)

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