New player questions.

A place to read and talk about our official updates, errata and addenda for Darklands. Please post all rules queries here!
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New player questions.

Postby Robola » Mon Sep 26, 2022 4:17 pm

Hello to all.
Sorry if there is already a topic for these type of questions.
Hope you are well?
Just have a couple of rules issues.

Had a bit of confusion over a charge and breakthrough unit.
Had a wolf Thane and wolves charge bow drunes, couldn't make 100% weapon contact. Thane killed enough to disengage the two units. Bows couldn't do anything as they had shot already, but wolves and Thane could breakthrough. Due to frenzy the Thane gets to fight and wolves two. At the end of this combat they become weary? I'm right to think the bows don't get to shot?
If the Thane had fought twice but the wolf's with him Han not, could they fight a second time on the breakthrough action?

I pretty much get the rule book and most of it seems to be common sense but with rules written down. I get confused on the amount of actions that can be done.
How many vigorous actions can units do in a battle hour?
I guess it's situational. It's mainly to do with the reactions really.

Am I right in thinking that a general can have a bow armed unit under his command volley shoot even if the general charges?

And the last thing.
Had a flesh drune make a brute corruptor. The flesh drune is on move orders but the brute corruptor being frenzy just runs off towards the closest enemy unit. Is this right?

Sorry for all the questions, I'm planning on coming to your GT and I'm the only player in my area and trying to figure it all out to teach others.
Thanks for the help.
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Re: New player questions.

Postby Rob Lane » Tue Sep 27, 2022 3:40 pm

Robola wrote:Hello to all.
Sorry if there is already a topic for these type of questions.
Hope you are well?
Just have a couple of rules issues.

Had a bit of confusion over a charge and breakthrough unit.
Had a wolf Thane and wolves charge bow drunes, couldn't make 100% weapon contact. Thane killed enough to disengage the two units. Bows couldn't do anything as they had shot already, but wolves and Thane could breakthrough. Due to frenzy the Thane gets to fight and wolves two. At the end of this combat they become weary? I'm right to think the bows don't get to shot?
If the Thane had fought twice but the wolf's with him Han not, could they fight a second time on the breakthrough action?

Okay, what happens here is fairly simple (as long as I've understood you correctly). After the werwulfas had finished their Attacks, the bow-drunes would then Attack react and Attack Move towards the werwulfas, and then Attack them. If there are then any werwulfas that are in attack range that haven't Attacked already, they then get to Attack what they can. Does that make sense?

Robola wrote:I pretty much get the rule book and most of it seems to be common sense but with rules written down. I get confused on the amount of actions that can be done.
How many vigorous actions can units do in a battle hour?
I guess it's situational. It's mainly to do with the reactions really.

Basically, yes; it depends on what has happened, really, and what Linked actions can be done. For example, you can Move and then Shoot as a Linked action; or Shoot, then Move.

Robola wrote:Am I right in thinking that a general can have a bow armed unit under his command volley shoot even if the general charges?

Yes, as long as the unit he has Left hasn't Moved!

Robola wrote:And the last thing.
Had a flesh drune make a brute corruptor. The flesh drune is on move orders but the brute corruptor being frenzy just runs off towards the closest enemy unit. Is this right?

Correct, he is immediately placed under a compulsory order, which is an ATTACK order.

Robola wrote:Sorry for all the questions, I'm planning on coming to your GT and I'm the only player in my area and trying to figure it all out to teach others.
Thanks for the help.

No problem! Happy to help!

Whereabouts are you in the world? I could try to get over and do you some demo games...

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Re: New player questions.

Postby Robola » Wed Sep 28, 2022 8:55 am

Hello Rob,
Thanks for the quick response.
Just one point on the first question. If the Bow Drunes had already move and shot before being charged they would be unable to do anything? Apart from being eaten by the Wolves. lol

I'm down south in Weston-super-mare. There are 4 of us that are diving into Darklands. If you could get down here that would be awesome. We have a great venue, The Stable Games room.
I am planning to visit the tournament in November as well.
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Re: New player questions.

Postby Rob Lane » Wed Sep 28, 2022 9:51 am

Robola wrote:Hello Rob,
Thanks for the quick response.
Just one point on the first question. If the Bow Drunes had already move and shot before being charged they would be unable to do anything? Apart from being eaten by the Wolves. lol

The Bow-Drunes would still be able to Attack Move and then Attack, but that's it ;o) In this instance they are reactions, you see.

Robola wrote:I'm down south in Weston-super-mare. There are 4 of us that are diving into Darklands. If you could get down here that would be awesome. We have a great venue, The Stable Games room.
I am planning to visit the tournament in November as well.

Oooh crikey that's a long trip for me - the south-west is even worse than London. But I will give it a thunk... all I will say is, I'm always available, just ask questions!

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Re: New player questions.

Postby Robola » Fri Nov 18, 2022 2:06 pm

Hope everyone is well?
Getting to grips with the rules thanks to the long journey to Coventry.
Still have some questions.
1) How many units can the general Inspire at the start of the game?
Is it each unit in command range can roll the Inspired roll?
2) Fated parry roll removes 2 damage dice?
Rob from Weston
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Re: New player questions.

Postby Rob Lane » Fri Nov 18, 2022 2:36 pm

Robola wrote:Hi,
Hope everyone is well?
Getting to grips with the rules thanks to the long journey to Coventry.
Still have some questions.
1) How many units can the general Inspire at the start of the game?

Just the one - see p144.

Robola wrote:Is it each unit in comman1d range can roll the Inspired roll?

Yes. The general rolls to Inspire, if he's successful units within range test to see if they liked his speech or not ;o)

Robola wrote:2) Fated parry roll removes 2 damage dice?

ONLY if a) the parrier has a C+A in an equal or higher band to the enemy's M+W, and b) the damage dice are not 0.

Hope that helps!


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