Companion Host Banners and Heralds Inspiring

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Companion Host Banners and Heralds Inspiring

Postby Brightblade » Fri May 12, 2023 6:14 pm


As per my question on Whatsapp.

If a General has a Companion Host Herald or Host Banner Bearer in his unit can the Herald or Banner Bearer perform an Inspire action that affects that unit even with the General having a Higher Authority.

As they are the Generals trusted companions I would argue that that could, the Generals unit would look for inspiration from their leader or his most trusted aids.

I'm looking at this from the War Engine point of view, if the General leads his most awe inspiring unit and has his trusted aids with him and they respectively have Artefacts that only a Host Banner Bearer or Host Herald can take then shouldn't they be able to inspire the unit using those arefacts as by their exclusive nature they would be awe inspiring in there own right.
Devlin Brightblade, Lord of Saxon Hammerwich, Slayer of Trolls, Tamer of Manticores, Petter of Flint Flang the Kill Thing from the Infernal Pits..

As you slide down the Bannister of Life, may the Splinters be kind...
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Rob Lane
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Re: Companion Host Banners and Heralds Inspiring

Postby Rob Lane » Mon May 15, 2023 9:48 am

Brightblade wrote:Rob,

As per my question on Whatsapp.

If a General has a Companion Host Herald or Host Banner Bearer in his unit can the Herald or Banner Bearer perform an Inspire action that affects that unit even with the General having a Higher Authority.

As they are the Generals trusted companions I would argue that that could, the Generals unit would look for inspiration from their leader or his most trusted aids.

Currently that is not allowed, the general has the higher AUTHORITY so he can't be Inspired by warriors with lower AUTHORITY than his own.

Brightblade wrote:I'm looking at this from the War Engine point of view, if the General leads his most awe inspiring unit and has his trusted aids with him and they respectively have Artefacts that only a Host Banner Bearer or Host Herald can take then shouldn't they be able to inspire the unit using those arefacts as by their exclusive nature they would be awe inspiring in there own right.

Yeah, that's a bit silly. I'll get something sorted with the errata.


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