Involuntary engagements

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Involuntary engagements

Postby NorthernIron » Tue Aug 23, 2022 7:32 pm

When a unit goes to engage a particular unit but winds up in another units engagement range as well, does the involuntarily engaged unit get to make an engagement reaction? In that same vein, would the involuntarily engaged unit get to attack/attack move once the attackers have gone?
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Rob Lane
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Re: Involuntary engagements

Postby Rob Lane » Tue Aug 30, 2022 4:19 pm

NorthernIron wrote:When a unit goes to engage a particular unit but winds up in another units engagement range as well, does the involuntarily engaged unit get to make an engagement reaction?


NorthernIron wrote:In that same vein, would the involuntarily engaged unit get to attack/attack move once the attackers have gone?

No; they would become weary after Attacking, and a unit can't Attack more than once per battle hour (except for frenzied units).


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