Domhnaill and Baoighill, (Urbad Conversions 3 & 4)

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Domhnaill and Baoighill, (Urbad Conversions 3 & 4)

Postby OrlandotheTech » Tue Sep 24, 2013 10:43 pm

Another Urbad, another opportunity to customise so I give you

Domhnaill the Silver Cat, Hornblower of the Albainin (I'm planning a unit)


I need to finish resculpting the left arm (it cut away from the body better than I expected but did need a bit of work)

blend the head in better I'll probably add a big goiter under the chin and some rolls of fat on the back of the neck

and fit some sort of yoke for the (anti)magic rock to hang from as it's just hanging in space at the moment

The sheep carcase (replacing the skull charm hanging from his belt) and big cat's head (puma?) come off the magic rock which is from one of Mierces's wild Oghurs and I think look pretty good

The non Mierce bits are from the GW Ogre Kingdoms range, the horn made from a powder flask, the head is marginally smaller than Urbads, but the closest bit I could find and a decent fit, hand is pretty much perfect and the weapons (and accessories like the cleaver used here) work well too
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Re: Domhnaill and Baoighill, (Urbad Conversions 3 & 4)

Postby OrlandotheTech » Thu Sep 26, 2013 6:49 pm

and here is Baoighill the Cripple who will be the standard bearer


I've used Urbads head with a helmet taken from the GW ogre kingdoms range (shaving out the GW head that was wearing it

The sword is another GW ogre kingdoms bit, I may need to work on the blade shape but need to do a bit of research first

The antimagic rock (see Mierce I was listening) is made from bits of 2 of Urbads (the chain on the second one was relatively simple to remove and re-use to fit the new shape)

this one needs lots more work, I've still got to carve out the casting plug between the legs (and then re-detail the area)

I also want to work on one of the legs to make him a 'cripple'

plus I've got to work out how to re-do the left arm so he holds a standard (which I have again from the GW ogre kingdoms minis)
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Re: Domhnaill and Baoighill, (Urbad Conversions 3 & 4)

Postby OrlandotheTech » Sun Sep 29, 2013 10:28 am

Done a fair bit more work on Baoighill the Cripple,

I've have to remove and re-position the left shoulder in order for him to hold the battle standard at the correct angle

(razor saws work so much better than craft knives when cutting thick bits of resin, but beware of the rein dust!)

The standard is also done (the pole is 9 separate pieces, and was very annoying in that regard),

It's all Ogre Kingdoms bits, but I've had to take a chunk out of the banner otherwise it will obscure the mini in the head on view

For a bit of a change I've removed a bunch of his leg armour which should change up his look when painted up

I've also had to add a big chunk of bicep in his left arm to get the length right so I need to decide how to finish that section off once the green stuff sets

(I'll edit in pictures later once I find my camera again)

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Re: Domhnaill and Baoighill, (Urbad Conversions 3 & 4)

Postby OrlandotheTech » Tue Oct 08, 2013 3:17 pm

Right that's the converting finished

let's get painting

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Re: Domhnaill and Baoighill, (Urbad Conversions 3 & 4)

Postby OrlandotheTech » Mon Oct 14, 2013 10:04 am

And done

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Re: Domhnaill and Baoighill, (Urbad Conversions 3 & 4)

Postby The_Minsk » Fri Oct 18, 2013 12:06 pm

Very nice I love the runes picked out with red, you have made the figures all look quite differnt quite a feat.
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Re: Domhnaill and Baoighill, (Urbad Conversions 3 & 4)

Postby OrlandotheTech » Fri Oct 18, 2013 12:48 pm


the red had me worried initially, but once I counter shaded with light grey around the edges it really worked well.

I'm also pleased with the added contrast given by the 'lichen' which helps break up the grey in the rock :D
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Re: Domhnaill and Baoighill, (Urbad Conversions 3 & 4)

Postby The_Minsk » Fri Oct 18, 2013 5:07 pm

What do you use for snow?
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Re: Domhnaill and Baoighill, (Urbad Conversions 3 & 4)

Postby OrlandotheTech » Fri Oct 18, 2013 7:17 pm

I use Gale Force Nine snow ... ageIndex=2

Make up your scenic base however you want,

stick down rocks, tufts of grass etc with superglue

paint on a mix of white wood glue (PVA) and water (probably about 1:1, you want it loose enough to grab the snow, but thick enough that it doesn't run off the base)

pour on the snow to cover everything, the turn the base up side down and tap to remove the excess which can go back in the pot

leave to dry for about 24 hours. This gives a thin layer of snow you can see the base through,

for thicker snow dab on more glue mix, pour over more snow

To make it more 'real' carefully paint glue mix onto your rocks/scenic bits where snow might settle and also onto the feet of the mini when you fix it to the base

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