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Fomoraic Muster - Skirmish

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 11:38 pm
by warchild40k
Here is my first pass at a Fomoraic muster.

General - Ckaaraak Untain of Tarvax - (w/ heavy armor) - 186g - Authority 76 - Rare

Commander - Brunchaath Tain of Tarvax - (w/ light armor) - 129g - Authority 53 - Uncommon

Tarvax Unit - (under Brunchaath) - Authority 26 - Uncommon
- Raackanasck - Gultain - 83g
- Kaastaruk - Skullbearer - 83g
- Backaaruk - Tarvax Warrior - 67g
- Inavaak - Tarvax Warrior - 67g
- Piraack - Tarvax Warrior - 67g

Kraacken Unit (under Ckaaraak) - Authority 42 - Rare
- Uuthüll - 318g

Total Gold - 1000g

So does this look right and in accordance with the muster rules?

Re: Fomoraic Muster - Skirmish

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 8:22 am
by Kenton
Looks right to me :)

I was looking at the following (with less working out).

Untain of Baalor on Ipracx w/ shield
- Kraacken

- Warlock of Baalor
-- 2 Sronax w/Gultain
-- 3 Tarvax w/Gultain.

Though I could put the Sronax under the Untain too.

Mostly chosen for painting variety and to allow me to try lots of stuff out :-D

Re: Fomoraic Muster - Skirmish

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 8:36 am
by Rob Lane
Hi Warchild

Looks fine dude, but I'd be tempted to put Ckaarakk in charge of his Tarvax, if only because it would look great ;o)

I like yours too Kenton!

Ah, list building. I love it!


Re: Fomoraic Muster - Skirmish

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:49 pm
by warchild40k
That's a good list Kenton, I may borrow it :)

Rob, makes total sense about Ckaarakk. That is a problem with doing lists on paper. Once all the models are together and on the board it would probably be obvious that he should be with his kin :) Thanks!

Re: Fomoraic Muster - Skirmish

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 10:08 pm
by zedmeister
So, I've been playing with the muster rules and come up with this fun little 750g raid:

- Tain of Baalor 79g
+ Shield 6g
+ Ipracx 51g
- Dainoch 255

- Warlock of Baalor 91g
- Moraine Beast 260g

Should be a fun scary force with 2 big beasties for such a small amount of gold. I like the idea of the Tain summoning the Dainoch with an artifact while the Warlock conjures the Moraine Beast to fight!

Re: Fomoraic Muster - Skirmish

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 11:56 pm
by crazyfeet36
wow 2 monsters at that level is going to be tough to deal with. looks good though.

I posted this on KS comments but im planning to use the following for 1k gold -

- untain of the sronax, heavy armour, 203

+ Dainoch, 255,

+ 4 Sronax, light armour, tusk bearer, 373

+ 2 sronax, 170

I think its legal. Should hit hard and soak up a lot of damage.