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Razormage Autumn/Winter 2013

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 9:10 pm
by razormage
Hey guys. I've been kind of quiet lately, but it's mostly because I've not had time to upload photos of what I've been working on.
For the Autumn/Winter challenge, I challenged myself to three factions. Well, it's now the start of December, so it's time to share where I am on the first, the Brythoniaid!

I've got three Dyndraig painted and done except the detail on the banner, and the basing.
Image Image Image
I've also finished the Tawrdraig (again, except for the basing):
Image Image Image

Tonight I'm hoping to prime Geriant Nerthol, and get him painted this weekend. I will also be priming Blood-Maw and my trolls, so the Norse will likely be coming next!

I'm waiting on an extra Shaaroc axehead from Mierce (currently Packing) before I get to work on the Fomoriaic; I'm also thinking I want to sculpt my own Ipracx rather than using Kraan's mount. Magaan is primed, I just need to take the time to paint him.

A WiP thread of those Brythoniaid will go up hopefully tonight; I just have to finish writing it.
Keep painting! Winter is coming!

Re: Razormage Autumn/Winter 2013

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 1:40 pm
by Malachi B.
Woot, a gamin table filled by so nicely painted models has to be a great sight! Keep on paint in!