Clueless newbie checking in from Leeds area

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Clueless newbie checking in from Leeds area

Postby loftybloke » Sat May 08, 2021 1:51 pm

Hi All

TLDR; collector/painter more than gamer, hi :)

I bought the Brythoniaid (Gwynedd) battle host [metal] after seeing some people playing Dark Lands at Gotham to Samaria event at Element games in 2019. and have this all assembled, waiting for me to pick a colour scheme!

I also took advantage of the buy one host get a second host 50% off and picked up Fomoraic (Baalor) battle host & Fomoraic (cursed herd) battle host, which are a little less built or prepped...

I was planning on taking my Brythoniaid to future Gotham to Samaria events but then 2020 happened ;_: and here we are! Gaming has never been the best bit for me, I like to make and paint just as much if not more :D nothing to do with me being terrible at any kind of ruleset, promise.
I've pulled myself out of some mental health issues and i'm back into a groove with my hobbying so I will be turning my attention to Dark Lands when my current Dark AGE project is painted :)

Nice to meet you all
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Re: Clueless newbie checking in from Leeds area

Postby Brightblade » Sat May 08, 2021 7:08 pm

loftybloke wrote:Hi All

TLDR; collector/painter more than gamer, hi :)

I bought the Brythoniaid (Gwynedd) battle host [metal] after seeing some people playing Dark Lands at Gotham to Samaria event at Element games in 2019. and have this all assembled, waiting for me to pick a colour scheme!

I also took advantage of the buy one host get a second host 50% off and picked up Fomoraic (Baalor) battle host & Fomoraic (cursed herd) battle host, which are a little less built or prepped...

I was planning on taking my Brythoniaid to future Gotham to Samaria events but then 2020 happened ;_: and here we are! Gaming has never been the best bit for me, I like to make and paint just as much if not more :D nothing to do with me being terrible at any kind of ruleset, promise.
I've pulled myself out of some mental health issues and i'm back into a groove with my hobbying so I will be turning my attention to Dark Lands when my current Dark AGE project is painted :)

Nice to meet you all

Hey Lofty,

Myself and my mate Andy were running the Darklands tables at Gotham & Samaria in 2019, it was a great couple of days we loved it, like you we planned to go back in 2020 and run another Darklands table then some bastard ate a Bat and here we are..

The Fomoraic is a great host so many options with them.

All the Mierce minis are great to paint too, i've spent many a squinted eye evening painting those buggers...

Probably won't get up to G&S again before next year, but would love to show you all another Darklands event.

2ed Rules for the game will be appearing at some point in 2022, makes the game flow so much better but loses none of the appeal.

I hope to see your figures and to play a game with you at some point.
Devlin Brightblade, Lord of Saxon Hammerwich, Slayer of Trolls, Tamer of Manticores, Petter of Flint Flang the Kill Thing from the Infernal Pits..

As you slide down the Bannister of Life, may the Splinters be kind...
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Re: Clueless newbie checking in from Leeds area

Postby loftybloke » Sun May 09, 2021 10:22 am

Ah nice. Apologies, I wasn't sure of the names of the two at G2S that I had spoken to, so it was most likely yourself as it turns out :D

The minis are indeed premium, and I've only not started painting due to lack of decision on paint schemes :D

I also think I will be waiting until next year or perhaps the October event if it goes ahead but I will have some Dark Lands withe me for definite and would be very grateful for some patience and a demo game!

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Re: Clueless newbie checking in from Leeds area

Postby Brightblade » Sun May 09, 2021 8:12 pm

loftybloke wrote:Ah nice. Apologies, I wasn't sure of the names of the two at G2S that I had spoken to, so it was most likely yourself as it turns out :D

The minis are indeed premium, and I've only not started painting due to lack of decision on paint schemes :D

I also think I will be waiting until next year or perhaps the October event if it goes ahead but I will have some Dark Lands withe me for definite and would be very grateful for some patience and a demo game!


I'll see if I can make it up to the October event, depends on where we are Covid wise, I've had both of my Bill Gates Special Sauce injections so I'm fully microchipped, Mr Gates knows know when I'm taking a dump... :mrgreen:

@Andy, do you fancy a trip up North again in October, you can buy some of those Merkins you kept going on about.. :lol: :lol:
Devlin Brightblade, Lord of Saxon Hammerwich, Slayer of Trolls, Tamer of Manticores, Petter of Flint Flang the Kill Thing from the Infernal Pits..

As you slide down the Bannister of Life, may the Splinters be kind...
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Re: Clueless newbie checking in from Leeds area

Postby loftybloke » Sun May 09, 2021 8:33 pm

I'm yet to get an invite for my Bill Gates Special Sauce (oo err).

As you say, completely depends on the whole bat eating situation, but next time I do get a ticket, I'll let you know and sort out a game or two :D

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