Bishmeister's Ettenwiht Tower Jute list with Hakon the Hale

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Bishmeister's Ettenwiht Tower Jute list with Hakon the Hale

Postby Bishmeister » Sat Jun 15, 2019 10:53 pm

1500 Gold Jute Muster 2019

With this list I'm trying to maximise the number of undead units.
I'm not sure if this is a legal list, any suggestions or corrections would be much appreciated.

I think the 3rd command is illegal as I have a mythic and 2 uncommon in the same host. I wanted Hakon the Hale to be riding on the war tower of the Ettenwiht and acting as the commander. Not sure if there's a work around to this.

Unit Gold. Authority. Ubiquity

Drēaguth Thain. 80. 72. Uncommon
Drēaguth (full cmd)(Compelled). 240. 25. Mainstay
Drēaguth Deathbringer. 93. 38. Rare
Vivify. 18

1st Command
Wiht Thain. (Helm) 26. 51. Common
10x Wihtgar (full cmd)(Compelled) 100. 5. Mainstay
1x Tomb Spider. 80. 29. Uncommon
Ætulla (Wiglāca). 66. 63. Uncommon
Through the veil 18

2nd Command
Wiht Thain (Ancestor). (Helm) 26. 51. Common
10x Wihtgar (full cmd)(Compelled) 100. 5. Mainstay
Mound beetle 106. 30 Uncommon

3rd Command
Hakon the Hale. 61. 58. Unique + Uncommon
Ettenwiht with war tower. 429. 49 Rare + Mythic
Ettenaxe & Ettenlantern
Crew 4x bowmen. 44. 5 Uncommon

Total. 1487
Jonathon Chester
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Re: Bishmeister's Ettenwiht Tower Jute list with Hakon the Hale

Postby Jonathon Chester » Wed Jun 19, 2019 8:03 am

Hi Bish,

I've had a look at this list and it is not illegal due to there being the character as they don't count towards the ubiquity.

One way I can see the core of your list staying the same is to find some gold for a Forthain to be the general, looking at the list the easiest way to do this is drop the mound Beetle as he is a Cant model in a Whit command.

I will have a play with the list to see what you'd need to do.
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Re: Bishmeister's Ettenwiht Tower Jute list with Hakon the Hale

Postby Jonathon Chester » Wed Jun 19, 2019 10:05 am

So I've had a play and got this:

Forthain Scyld, Helm

Host Command
Harkon the Hale
Wiglaca Through the veil

Dreaguth Thain

5 Dreaguth Full Command Mainstay
Dreaguth Deathbringer Vivify Rare
1 Tomb Spider Uncommon

Whit Thain Ancestor, Helm

20 Whitgar Drilled due to ancestor, Full command Mainstay
Ettenwhit War tower, ettenaxe and ettenlantern Mythic + Rare
Crew 4 Whitboga Uncommon
Whit Thain Helm Common

Still gives you 93 gold to play with which I'd probably put into spells for your wizards
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Re: Bishmeister's Ettenwiht Tower Jute list with Hakon the Hale

Postby Bishmeister » Wed Jun 19, 2019 12:22 pm

Cheers JonathoN, you're a legend.
I've been trying and failing to sort this list.
Thanks again.
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Re: Bishmeister's Ettenwiht Tower Jute list with Hakon the Hale

Postby Jonathon Chester » Wed Jun 19, 2019 1:49 pm

No worries Bish, tried to keep it as close as possible to the original list.

Means your host command are a little vulnerable but im sure you can work out a way of protecting them.
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Re: Bishmeister's Ettenwiht Tower Jute list with Hakon the Hale

Postby Epizeuxis » Fri Jun 21, 2019 1:19 pm

I might be missing something, but the gold and authority costs above appear different from those listed in the 1.18 Jutes Kindred Muster.
Is there a newer version available?
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Re: Bishmeister's Ettenwiht Tower Jute list with Hakon the Hale

Postby Jonathon Chester » Fri Jun 21, 2019 1:50 pm

Epizeuxis wrote:I might be missing something, but the gold and authority costs above appear different from those listed in the 1.18 Jutes Kindred Muster.
Is there a newer version available?

It's for Coffa Tree
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Re: Bishmeister's Ettenwiht Tower Jute list with Hakon the Hale

Postby Rob Lane » Mon Jun 24, 2019 12:32 pm

What he means to say is, that's for 2nd Edition... which is coming soon.


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