Glaun, Tawrdraig of Cynfelyn

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Glaun, Tawrdraig of Cynfelyn

Postby razormage » Tue Sep 03, 2013 1:34 pm

Well, as of now I've finally submitted this guy to the WAMP forums for the Darklands 2013 contest, so I can finally share him on here! He's not been approved yet, but he's posted, so I'm considering that good enough.

This is Glaun, the Bull Dragon of Wales.

For WiP posts on him, you can check it out on my blog: Part 1, and Part 2, or view the thread on the Mierce forums.

I went with a green color because it's a safe color for me, and I wanted to pay homage to the creepy gas-breathing D&D Green Dragons.

The awkward writing on the base is a by-product of the way I chose to base him - that section of the base lifts out, and lets me mount Glaun in a 100mm x 50mm base for use in other gaming systems.

A reverse of Glaun. The rocks on his base are pine bark chunks, acquired from a local nursery. I used a razor saw to cut them to that angle, then mounted them on (and in) the base.

A close-up of Glaun's back and scales. This shot wasn't featured in the WAMP post, so you get to enjoy it here instead!

The back. The seam for the base division is very noticeable here, unfortunately. I was able to mask it from almost all other angles with rocks, but I really wanted to show off the back of the model, so it poked through here.

A reverse of the shading on his back and side. You can see how the rock blocks most of the line from the removable base. I love the subtlety of the shading along his ribs and hip.
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Re: Glaun, Tawrdraig of Cynfelyn

Postby Sorn » Wed Sep 04, 2013 12:34 am

You are a fantastic painter! Well done!

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