Kthones vs Fomoraic 2000 Gold

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Kthones vs Fomoraic 2000 Gold

Postby Krikke » Tue Sep 06, 2016 6:43 am

Tonight I will be battling my friend Beire. Our first 'legal' 2000 gold battle. I'll try to take pictures tonight and post a bat rep later this week.

My list consists of:
- Scion of Baalor with various spells
* Gabrax tain
* Mallox
* Kraacken

- Sronax untain
* 4 Sronax
* 10 gabrax

It's gonna be epic. I put the final touches on my Kraacken ann his base yesterday. Monster mayhem!!!

More later this week. (Beire, feel free to post your list)


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Re: Kthones vs Fomoraic 2000 Gold

Postby Beire » Tue Sep 06, 2016 2:54 pm

My Khthones list:

*Krokodar x 3
*Krokodar x 3


*Krokodar x 4

Not the most balanced of lists I know. But I really struggled with having enough authority to field the big guys (hydra, krokokh).
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Re: Kthones vs Fomoraic 2000 Gold

Postby Krikke » Wed Sep 07, 2016 9:45 am

Battle time!
We both decided on a battle line deployment. We decided to leave terrain out.

First hour was fairly uneventful as we both we're trying to position ourselves to get a charge of in the next hour.
I did try to get some invokations going with the scion of Baalor.
I cast 2 invokations, spear of ice and shardlings on one of the Krokodar units.I did a grand total of 16 wounds to the scion and 6 wounds to the Krokodar :shock: underwhelming :shock: ! Cold dice are a thing. This would continue throughout the battle.
My recover action also failed...


2nd hour, I win the initiative. Charge time baby, the Kraacken charges the Hydra. Monsther mayhem ensues.I do around 60? wounds to the Hydra and take around 60 wounds in return.


I retain the initiative with my Sronax and charge with them.


2 of them make it to combat. Some wounds are dished out, nothing dies. Krokdar attack reaction kills a Sronax.

Time for the mighty krokos to open a can of kickass.

These guys completely obliterate the 10 man unit of gabrax. One survives and flees. They breackthrough onto my Mallox.


The krokodarch is able to undirectly engage the Kraacken and finish it of.

A few more activations are played but we have to call it a night because it's getting late. We had a boatload of fun!

A lot of questions did arise:

- Charge order on my Sronax, only 2 we're able to reach their target. The other 3 'failed' their charge. Do they have any linked actions left?

- My mallox stomped a 3-man unit of Krokdar.They all got hit and became prone. My follow up attacks still had to roll to hit and could become parried? Prone doesn't have any negative effect in combat?

- Magic felt underwhelming on the scion, mostly due to cold dice ofcourse, but still. He only has one recover dice, this would mean he can't really take the risk to cast a lot, because his healthpool would drain to rapidly. Am I missing something?

- For the purpose of blood generating, are all attacks of a unit/model simultaneously?

That's all I can think of at the moment.

Thank you for reading.


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Re: Kthones vs Fomoraic 2000 Gold

Postby Beire » Wed Sep 07, 2016 5:06 pm

Nice write up Krikke. It was a very bloody and entertaining battle. We still have to sort some rules out but overall the game played very smoothly. The ruleset might look daunting but most activations, actions and orders are very easy to understand.

We used Krikke's index (viewtopic.php?f=4&t=644) so we could easily look up all actions. And we made a separate Quick reference sheet for the strike, parry, shoot, evade, invoke and avoid charts. That did speed the game up tremedously. If there is interest, I might take the time to make a more professional Quick reference sheet. I really think that this is a big help when playing this game for the first few times.

Next week: Norse vs Fomoraic!
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Re: Kthones vs Fomoraic 2000 Gold

Postby Agelmar » Thu Sep 08, 2016 3:18 am

Please work out a quick reference sheet. I'm trying to learn the game by myself before I can teach other people and Quick Reference Sheets are essential for that.

Also, thanks for the write up, it looks like it was a fun duel.
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Re: Kthones vs Fomoraic 2000 Gold

Postby Rob Lane » Thu Sep 08, 2016 10:24 am


Thank you very much for taking the time to do this - I'm glad you enjoyed it!! It looked like an awesome game.

Can you post your questions on the "Rules" forum so I can answer them there?

Beire wrote:If there is interest, I might take the time to make a more professional Quick reference sheet. I really think that this is a big help when playing this game for the first few times.

Feel free to do so Beire!

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Re: Kthones vs Fomoraic 2000 Gold

Postby Krikke » Thu Sep 08, 2016 11:18 am

I will post my questions in the rules forum. Thank you for reading.


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