Darklands: Metal Age - Fulfilment

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Darklands: Metal Age - Fulfilment

Postby Rob Lane » Fri Apr 14, 2017 3:32 pm


Well here we are: the lovely quirky project that has been Darklands: Metal Age has now reached its end. The Drinking Companions have now been produced in metal and have been sent as part of Wave 18!

That draws Darklands: Metal Age to a close, and we'd like to thank each and every backer for their funds and their forbearance, because this project has taken a little longer than we'd hoped to finish. We're there now though!

What's next?
The Drinking Companions will be in production shortly and will be sent during Wave 18, in August, as long as you have a Metal Age shipment item, of course. If you haven't, purchase one here: http://mierce-miniatures.com/index.php? ... g#shipping

If you reserved your drinking companions during the project, have no fear - we'll be adding them to your orders later on this month, ready for shipment as part of Wave 18.

What Ships When
Here's an up to date list of what we think will be shipped when.

    SHIPMENT WAVE 0 (complete): Existing miniatures
    SHIPMENT WAVE 9 (October 2015): Ysian Ax-Drune
    SHIPMENT WAVE 9.5 (November 2015): Anglecynn Duguth, Brythoniaid Rhyfelwr
    SHIPMENT WAVE 10 (February 2016): Ysian Bow-Drune
    SHIPMENT WAVE 11 (April 2016): Albainn Gairlom, Brythoniaid Teulu, Érainn Tuanagh, Fomoraic Gabrax, Fomoraic Warriors of Baalor, Jute Wihtgār, Norse Holumann
    SHIPMENT WAVE 13 (August 2016): Mihtlāf
    SHIPMENT WAVE 14 (October 2016): Byzantii Legionarius - Sia
    SHIPMENT WAVE 14.5 (November 2016): Anglecynn Gesith
    SHIPMENT WAVE 15 (February 2017): Atalantes Oplites - Scaeroc - Bleary Hektor - Byzantii Demilegionarius - Gunaal - Ischys
    SHIPMENT WAVE 17 (June 2017): Drunkard Ciniod - Quaffing Timoth - Sozzled Caedoc - Sipping Agathae - Bladdered Cormac - Swigging Mananaan - Guzzling Ætulla - Boozing Rollo - Slurping Zethag - Gogg - Bogogg - Iskarnos - Conjunct X
    SHIPMENT WAVE 18 (August 2017): Egaendr - metal Drinking Companions

Items in bold will DEFINITELY be sent in that wave as they are in production with the metal casters (or they're resin, and we have them in hand).

Items in bold italics denote those that have been produced in sample form, and are just awaiting production versions after any corrections.

Items in italics are in mould-making progress (as we have all of the miniatures required for that host and have shipped them to the metal casters) and should make it into that wave, but we don't yet have the first samples.

Purchasing Deadlines
All of the hosts have now been removed, but there's still time to purchase the Drinking Companions and remaining monsters.

    Wave 13 Miniatures: September 13th 2016
    Wave 14 Miniatures: November 7th 2016
    Wave 15 Miniatures: February 27th 2017
    Wave 16/17 Miniatures: June 19th 2017
    Wave 18 Miniatures: September 4th 2017

Keep watching this list as it may well change - and if you have any issues with the above timings, please let us know and we may well be able to push the deadline back a little for you.
We reserve the right to change any of the above dates without notice.

Sculpts and Sculptors
Here's the big list of who's sculpting what and when for Darklands: New Kindreds! Please bear in mind that this list may change over time, so don't take it as set in stone until the first work in progress shots appear.

We've split the lists into completely new sculpts and alterations to make life easier for us all!

    TIM PROW: Tim has completed Egaendr, and that concludes his work on this project!

That's it! All done...

Completed Sculpts
We thought this would be a good idea, as things are cracking on - a list of completed sculpts, in kindred order! Completed sculpts are in green bold; in progress sculpts are in yellow italics.

As above, we'll do these in "new sculpts" and "alternate sculpts" lists...

New Sculpts:
    ANGLECYNN: Æthelglyth
    FOMORAIC: Snorting Toracx (Taachka - Báintaac - Ckamaac)

    ALBAINN: Drunkard Ciniod - Gogg - Bogogg
    ANGLECYNN: Quaffing Timoth - Mihtlāf
    ATALANTES: Bleary Hektor
    BRYTHONIAID: Sozzled Caedoc - Scaeroc
    BYZANTII: Erebius - Sipping Agathae - Sia
    ÉRAINN: Bladdered Cormac
    FOMORAIC: Swigging Mananaan - Gunaal - Greathorn Gunaal
    INFERNII: n/a
    JUTES: Guzzling Ætulla
    KHTHONES: Ischys - Iskarnos
    NORSE: Boozing Rollo - Egaendr
    YSIANS: Slurping Zethag - Conjunct X

Let us know if we've missed anything, of course!
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Rob Lane
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Re: Darklands: Metal Age - Fulfilment

Postby Rob Lane » Fri Apr 28, 2017 12:32 pm

It's a drinking companion for the Anglecynn this week, in the inebriated form of Quaffing Timoth...

A cheery drinker of watery German ale, is Quaffing Timoth, easily spotted down the pub thanks to his rosy red cheeks and bright red bulbous nose (with the largest nostrils in Mierce Towers, we'll have you know. We've measured them). Generally speaking, Quaffing Timoth can only actually quaff two beers before it's bedtime for Timmy, but if plied with JD and coke he can keep going a bit longer...


We're hoping he'll be a Wave 17 shipment!
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Re: Darklands: Metal Age - Fulfilment

Postby Rob Lane » Fri May 12, 2017 9:28 am

There's just the one miniature to show this week, and that's a beastie from the overworked fingers of Tim Prow...

The penultimate monster from this project, Iskarnos the Szalamakh, has been lovingly converted from Ulmons by Tim Prow and looks super-duper even if we do say so ourselves.


He'll be a Wave 17 shipment!
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Re: Darklands: Metal Age - Fulfilment

Postby Rob Lane » Fri Jun 02, 2017 10:59 am

The Scots have, of course, evolved drinking into a competitive sport and Drunkard Ciniod could drink anybody under the table, including (but not limited to) Jean-Claude Juncker. Which is saying something.


We're hoping he'll be a Wave 17 shipment!
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Postby Rob Lane » Fri Jun 16, 2017 10:52 am

Egaendr is a Gríthír, a Griffin if you will, a mighty conversion of Ungefelic the Mantichora. He'll be using Hrókr's wings, but the entire front half of the manticore will be sculpted anew... It's early days, but you can see the shape - Tim's getting into the swing of things!


We're very much hoping he'll be a Wave 18 shipment.
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Egaendr the Gríthír

Postby Rob Lane » Fri Jun 30, 2017 12:00 pm

The very last miniature work in progress shots for this project are here, and we're a little sad because these monster conversions have been really interesting!

Egaendr is done, and he's the very last miniature to be sculpted for this project! Huzzah!

Now, Tim Prow has done some amazing work on this guy; the pictures really don't do the miniature justice, as you'll find out when you get him in your mitts. We began Egaendr worrying because we thought he'd be the most difficult of all the monster conversions to translate into 3D form, but he's actually turned out the best of the lot in our humble opinion!


Egaendr will be a Wave 18 shipment!
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The End

Postby Rob Lane » Fri Jul 14, 2017 1:01 pm

There's just the Drinking Companions left, and they're now in metal...

The ten Drinking Companions - Drunkard Ciniod, Quaffing Timoth (otherwise known as Ten O'Clock Timmy) Bleary Hektor, Sozzled Caedoc, Sipping Agathae, Bladdered Cormac, Swigging Mananaan, Guzzling Ætulla, Boozing Rollo and Slurping Zethag - are done, and in metal.


These guys will be in production shortly and will be sent during Wave 18, in August, as long as you have a Metal Age shipment item, of course.

If you haven't, purchase one here: http://mierce-miniatures.com/index.php?act=cat&cre=kst-mag#shipping

If you reserved your drinking companions during the project, have no fear - we'll be adding them to your orders later on this month, ready for shipment as part of Wave 18.

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