Faction Specific Dice

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Faction Specific Dice

Postby Lochlannon » Thu Apr 18, 2013 3:00 pm

I understand the reasoning behind the move however it doesn't detract from the disappointment. I myself was very, very, very much looking for Kickstarter exclusive - faction specific dice. It was a stretch goal after all. As all eyes are on how well this kickstarter comes through and making a decision like this without so much as a by your leave of your backers I would highly suggest the following - make it right. I would not pursume to know what options you have for making it right, however I would explore those options in some way shape or form as those nay sayers out there will pick apart any promise you (as a company) make and don't follow through on.

Am I very disappoint in non-faction specific dice, yes I am. Can I live without them .. yes I can. Does it represent a broken word - yes it does. Is it that big a deal - not really until someone gets ahold of it and pulls the "I told you so card."

Mistakes happen all the time. For me its not about the mistake, but how you "Make it Right" after the fact.
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Re: Faction Specific Dice

Postby AndyS » Thu Apr 18, 2013 5:49 pm

Hopefully these will be revisited in the future. I agree it is disappointing but not a deal breaker.
So MM, are they on the cards at some point?
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Re: Faction Specific Dice

Postby OrlandotheTech » Thu Apr 18, 2013 8:31 pm

No faction specific dice is a shame as I was keen to get them...

but the minis (& game) are the key part of my order, although I'll probably pick up some coloured d10 sets for the different factions
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Re: Faction Specific Dice

Postby grefven » Fri Apr 19, 2013 6:59 pm

I am quite indifferent to the faction specific dies. To be honest, I can live without the dies all together.
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Re: Faction Specific Dice

Postby bloodwars » Fri Apr 19, 2013 7:14 pm

I don't care all that much, but those D10's really aren't anything special, and they don't even come close to the concept art. It would have been much better to cost check before promising them to everyone.
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Re: Faction Specific Dice

Postby AndyS » Fri Apr 19, 2013 7:31 pm

Let's hope they're saving the concept for when the faction dice are eventually produced. At the start of the KS I was not bothered about playing, I just wanted the models to paint. But I've been sucked in and the dice would be really nice. With wolf heads and ravens on for me!
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Re: Faction Specific Dice

Postby Rob Lane » Thu Apr 25, 2013 10:38 pm

Kindred specific dice (faction is such a... Hordes and Warmachine word) are still on the cards of course.

Regarding "checking costs before promising them to everyone" - well that's fine as far as it goes, and I agree with you that they should have been checked, but our efforts to check those costs before we unveiled the dice were stymied.

Firstly, when we began the Kickstarter we had absolutely no idea how popular it would be; our most conservative estimates were that the vitriol on the internet would ensure we'd get tuppence ha'penny. Thus, as time progressed and we realised what we wanted to do could actually take place, we decided to go for the dice during the Kickstarter rather than planning it beforehand. (There's only so much you can plan if you're not sure anybody would back the project.)

However, when we had a look around for custom D10 makers, well... there aren't many. We contacted a few people, a couple didn't bother to reply and another wasn't interested in such a small number, but eventually we managed to get a green light from a certain company. However, that company's sales person was on holiday at that time until just before the Kickstarter ended. We pressed the people that were there for costs but they couldn't really say without the main man. Faced with this dilemma, and being naturally keen to give everybody kindred-specific dice, we decided to unveil them anyway. I personally have some experience in creating custom dice and believed we could do it at the costs we thought we could.

Sadly that didn't turn out to be the case; custom D10s are much more expensive than D6s, and as time progressed we realised we needed around 10,000 dice (800+ starter sets have been sold). 10,000 dice in one colour is actually not too bad, and within our estimates, but breaking that down into kindreds... well, let's just say it was prohibitively expensive. Let's put it this way: if we went down the kindred-specific dice route, some of the sculpts weren't going to get paid for. So we went for 10,000 in two colours - 9,000 in white and 1,000 in black (to form the D100).

I'm not saying it's ideal, I'm not saying it's the best way to do things, it's just the way it was done and we've learned from it.

Any project like this, especially because we weren't sure how the wargaming public would react, is done on-the-fly - if you believe all KS projects are planned to the utmost detail, then you'd be wrong! There's not really much I can offer those of you that are disappointed apart from apologies, but you are still getting dice, they are free for you and I do take issue with "those D10s aren't really anything special" because we were pleasantly surprised by their quality. Until you have them in your hands you won't really appreciate that. We've handled tons of dice in our wargaming "careers" and these are really, really nice - the wolf logo is superbly done too, the lines are really thin, far thinner than we thought anybody could do on a dice! They're not printed either, they're gouged.

So anyway, I'm sorry to all of you that are disappointed by this decision, but I hope that you can understand why we made the dice this way.

I'm quite sure that we'll offer kindred-specific dice in the next Kickstarter, but I'll be honest - I doubt very much that they'll be free unless you spend a lot of money.


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Re: Faction Specific Dice

Postby AndyS » Fri Apr 26, 2013 12:00 pm

A great reply Rob. Something to look forward to again. I'm more than happy with how you've spent my money! Great sculpts ahead of schedule is a real winner for me. But you can't please everybody 100% of the time I suppose. As we saw on the comments the other day! Is his Beowa still up for grabs? lol
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Re: Faction Specific Dice

Postby OrlandotheTech » Sat Apr 27, 2013 12:59 pm

The lure of bright colours is too strong :D

I've decided to get some nice fancy brightly coloured sets of d10 for each of my starters,

and used the fancy Mierce black & white ones when I need percentiles (they'll be easy to single out alongside these eye watering beauties)


(the sets are Toxic yellow/red, Toxic green, Chessex speckled hearthfire (I think, the labels missing) and Chessex speckled water)

this gives the best of both worlds, fancy symbols and bright colours :lol:
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Re: Faction Specific Dice

Postby JLLongshore » Sat May 11, 2013 11:32 am

Is it published somewhere what the kindred specific colors are?
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Re: Faction Specific Dice

Postby OrlandotheTech » Sat May 11, 2013 2:48 pm

Not as far as I know

(all the KS mentioned was Kindred Colours, not what they were)
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Re: Faction Specific Dice

Postby JLLongshore » Sat May 11, 2013 6:42 pm

Thanks :)

I'm almost assuming that they are the colors used on the summary chart on the KS Main page, but we will wait and see :)

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